Ah, Monday. The first day to the start of the week and for most, the least favorite day of the week. However, not so for me today! I have got my hands full with my niece and nephew, who are just about the cutest things I have ever seen.
So today marks 2 weeks before I go back to school, and even sooner before I start attending some good ol' Professional Development.
I have been thinking a lot about my classroom management and things about it that must change and things about it that I'll keep. Here is something I have realized in my past two years of teaching:
Kids need procedures and kids need consistency. Let me tell you, I kind of suck at both. I am very free spirited and as such my classroom reflects this... it's messy. Which is ironic! Because I would not describe myself as a messy person (even if there are 400 things going on in my brain at one time).
I plan on adjusting both of these things accordingly next year. However, one thing I absolutely love, and intend to do again, is the lesson we did last year for setting up our class expectations!
I liked to use an anchor chart called "looks like, sounds like". Sound familiar? We went ahead and added "feels like" as well. So we spend an entire day brainstorming with our classroom what a successful classroom "looks like, sounds like, and feels like".
This inspired me to create my (second) resource on teachers pay teachers! You can catch the whole lesson and some posters I made to go with it here!
I also have another questionnaire ice breaker if you're looking for a fun activity for the kids to do on the first day of school! That is absolutely free and available here!
Current read: "Leading Change In Your School: How to Conquer Myths, Build Commitment, and Get Results"
Current Jam: "Introducing Species" by "Hands Like Houses"
If there is anything I love as much as education it's music and reading so please, chime in with your opinions on the things I share! I love bonding with people over similar interests, especially music and books.
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